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Bleeding Hearts Ball


A driving part of the VCD’s success has been our ability to engage and empower various alternative subcultures by hosting fundraising events that directly impact the local area. We are thankful for the generous partnerships we’ve made with local clubs, venues, and small businesses throughout the DFW metroplex, all with the goal of simply doing some good in the city that we love...

Our first Bleeding Hearts Ball was in 2017, benefiting the Texas Heart Association, followed by the Heart of Gold foundation, and the North Texas Veterans Initiative. Each of these have been held at The Church (AKA the Lizard Lounge) and features performances, vendors, and package prizes that are raffled off.

Among our own subculture, the Bleeding Hearts Ball has become “the place to be” as Courts across the globe come see how we began the trend to exist as a tax-exempt charitable organization.

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