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Naperville, Illinois

We are mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers and female legal guardians who have children serving in the United States military, guard or reserves, or children who are veterans. We support each other, our children, active duty personnel, veterans and the fallen while promoting patriotism. Our organization focuses on our mission every single day and will never forsake out troops, our veterans or the families of our Fallen Heroes.

Blue Star Mothers of America., Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political, non-sectarian organization. We do not support any political candidate nor do we endorse religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization. We are a 501(c)3 organization.

Our activities include packing "We Care" packages and sending letters to the deployed, active duty and/or veterans; participating in dedications, commemorations and ceremonies that honor our military and our veterans; participate in patriotic parades/activities including homecomings and honor flights; supporting/working/attending veterans activities/programs; participating in high school military signings; along with many other activities.

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