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The USMC Scout Sniper Assn Inc

Stafford, Virginia

The USMC Scout Sniper Association supports the Scout Sniper community through programs that inspire brotherhood, encourage professionalism, and foster resiliency. Our community is comprised of those who have carried the long gun, those who have enabled our successes on the battlefield, and our families. We work to enable a peaceful transition from military service, to serve our surviving family members, and to honor and care for those who carry the scars of wartime service.

The USMC Scout Sniper Association (SSA) is the only non-profit membership organization for Marine Scout Snipers in the world. Marine Scout Snipers are an elite community of men who have been privileged to serve our country in every conflict and era. We are a non-partisan, nonprofit, tax-exempt charity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The Association was founded in 1998 and received its IRS ruling as a tax-exempt 501(c)19 Veterans’ Organization in 2004. On 11 February 2022, our application for re-designation as a 501(c)3 Charity was approved by the IRS.

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