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Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund


On December 10th, multiple tornadoes touched down across the Midwest causing catastrophic damage in cities throughout Western Kentucky.

While national relief efforts to support the region were underway, there was an immediate need for food and essential supplies to be delivered to families living without heat, electricity, running water or transportation. With the initial donations to the Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund, we were able to purchase and deliver supplies to the hardest hit communities and first responders during December.

Currently, we are working as a source of immediate assistance for families as they resettle into temporary living solutions. Rental housing in the area is extremely limited and families are being forced to resettle miles from their jobs causing them to incur additional expenses such as transportation and childcare. One project we have partnered with, Camp G.R.A.V.E.S., will build 28 tiny homes for families, the elderly and handicap as they secure permanent housing. With your charitable donation, families have access to immediate relief while they navigate the process of applying for insurance, Red Cross and FEMA assistance when applicable.

For more information contact @

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