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Color cheerful drawings for someone in need of a smile


Color A Smile is a nonprofit organization that collects crayon drawings from people of all ages and abilities. Every month we distribute tens of thousands of cheerful drawings to people in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Meals on Wheels programs. We also send drawings to our Troops overseas. Since 1990, we have distributed millions of drawings. That's a lot of smiles!

Color A Smile is a simple, fun, and relaxing volunteer opportunity for your employees. You can use our program for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Team Building events.

It is easy to participate in our program, please follow the 3 steps below:
1. Print a page from our website
2. Color the page using crayons or markers (no glitter)
3. Mail the cheerful drawing to us following the instructions on our website

If you are looking to satisfy volunteer hours requirement, follow the instructions on our website for "Validating Hours".

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