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Englishtown, New Jersey

Today the club , a 505(c)(3) organization remains a group where fishermen and fisherwomen can come together to not only share their love of fishing but unite under a common interest to help veterans, children, and disabled individuals as well as promote environmental conservation through its many events throughout the year.

Thank you for taking a moment to read our request for a donation towards the Newark Bait and Fly Casting Club (“NBFCC”) Tricky Tray fundraiser on Friday, April 29th, 2022, at our local VFW post 2230, located at 33 South 21st St., in Kenilworth, New Jersey. We hope you can help us make this event a huge success! As the Cover 19 pandemics has affected every aspect of our lives, the fishing club has suffered several financial setbacks. We earnestly request whatever support you may find ... Czytaj dalej

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