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Steel Bridge Creative Foundation


Citizens for Our Bridge, Inc. (CfOB) DBA 'Steel Bridge Creative Foundation' is a not-for-profit (501(c)3) organization dedicated to preserving, promoting and supporting the nationally significant historic Sturgeon Bay (Michigan Street) Bridge (a Door County Veterans Memorial) and the Historic Downtown District located in Sturgeon Bay, Door County, Wisconsin, while stimulating and fostering the Sturgeon Bay collaborative creative scene through community outreach, education and creative events.

Citizens For Our Bridge, Inc. was started as a State of Wisconsin not-for-profit, non-stock corporation on May 13, 2005 and amended to ‘Citizens For Our Bridge DBA Steel Bridge Creative Foundation’ in 2018.

While the initial purpose of the 501c3 was primarily dedicated to rescuing the historic Sturgeon Bay Michigan Street Steel Bridge, the current purpose of the non-profit has evolved and expanded over time to be inclusive of preserving, promoting and supporting the nationally ... Czytaj dalej

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