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BROCKTON, Massachusetts

Family and Community Resources, Inc. is dedicated to serving individuals and families whose lives are impacted by trauma including violence at home, school or in their community. FCR is committed to providing the highest quality of services including advocacy, support, individual and group treatment, case management and community education and training. Survivors have the right to receive these services free of any bias with regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability, age, pregnancy, religion, veteran status, uniformed military service, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, gender identity, physical or mental challenges or any other classification protected by law. All FCR services are provided within a setting that preserves their safety, confidentiality and dignity and that empower them to move toward personal growth, health and happiness. If you or someone you know is in need of our services, please contact us.

Family and Community Resources, Inc. (FCR) provides comprehensive services to individuals and families impacted by trauma at home, school, or in the community, with a specialization in supporting the needs of children, adolescents and adults affected by domestic violence. Programs and services include: individual and group mental health counseling services, case management services, survivor advocacy services, community education and training on issues related to trauma and domestic ... Czytaj dalej

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