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Celebrate your love for your DOG with a gift in honor of your BEST FRIEND


Make a gift in honor of the dog you love, and you will help rescue a special dog to train for service dogs work!

Your contribution to Pawsitivity Service Dogs is tax-deductible and goes straight to work for this special project: to rescue an unwanted dog and train as service dog for a child with autism.

We will rescue and rehabilitate an unwanted dog (who often has physical problems such as infections, fleas, and worms), and either train the dog for a child with autism, or if the dog is not suitable for service dog work, will then adopt out to a family as a well-trained and healthy pet.

Honor YOUR BEST FRIEND by helping us in this special project!

Rescue a dog and save a life today!

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Hoe donaties werken
Klik op een knop ’Nu doneren’ en bepaal vervolgens uw donatiebedrag. U wordt vervolgens doorgestuurd naar de betalingsverwerker van uw keuze. Nadat uw donatie is verwerkt, wordt deze verzonden naar het goede doel van uw keuze.

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