

Graham, Texas

Mission We use Blades for Brothers to support, empower, and enrich the lives of America’s veterans, combat-wounded veterans and families of fallen service members to heal from their wounds; both visible and hidden. We provide opportunities for those veterans and provide a faith based safe place to experience the fun and fellowship of blacksmithing and the bond shared by all veterans during knifemaking events, blade shows, and knife industry events by sponsoring their participation.

• Provide methods and opportunities for veterans and family members to be around blade smiths and experience the benefit of Blades for Brothers.
• Raise awareness of the visible and invisible wounds that veterans and family members experience every day because of their selfless service to our country.
• Plan new and support existing events, including hammer in days, basic knife and tool making, as well as industry trade and knife shows that veterans and family members can ... さらに詳しく

