New Chicken house project
Barn Red Paint provided.
One person to paint door Red, any exposed wood should be painted red.
Paint $35.00
Gloves $30.00
Brushes $26.00
Old building built 1960’s – needs to be cleaned out, trap thrown over equipment inside. Chicken stalls added, holes filled, holes in floor filled or fixed, holes in walls filled and fixed, requires 4 to 5 people.
Most materials readily available near old building, wood, fencing, etc, will need 4 hardy people to build outside coop, wear boots, use caution many boards have nail through them.
Bring hammer please, gloves
Two people to update/rebuild inside chicken boxes
One person to blast the project on social media, Facebook and other platforms seeking donations.
Two people needed to haul mulch into new chicken yard inside coop.
One person to write and send out news release to newspapers make contact to meet submission deadlines, civic centers, and churches seeking their support. Ask if we might setup a collection box in their space
One person to seek donations from local businesses, contact can be made in person, phone, and email.
One person to blast out monetary donation requests and/or bring to the table new ideas on gaining funding. Collaborate with grant writer.