
Service Dogs for Military Veterans


Our program works with veterans who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), and Military Sexual Trauma (MST). The veterans in the program benefit from working with the dogs in multiple ways. We encourage veterans to leave the house and come to Clear Path for Veterans New England to work with the dogs in the Service Dog Program. This helps the Veteran by Not self-isolating and by giving the Veteran a purpose. Having a purpose is essential for the Veteran as it gives them a reason to move forward with the healing process.

Service dogs help Veterans, but the benefit extends beyond the Veteran. A Service Dog can help the Veteran and their family; with assistance from the dog, the family can do more together, creating more family time and can help the Veteran keep a job and improve or maintain productivity. While working with the Service Dogs in training, the Veterans are working with other Veterans, which creates a valuable peer group where Veterans are reminded that they are not alone. They can engage and relate to other veterans who have gone through similar events. These encounters present an opportunity to bond and create new friendships in a safe environment.

Clear Path for Veterans New England Service Dog Training Program focuses on both preparing the Veteran and training the Service Dogs, factoring in the needs and capabilities of each to increase the chances of compatibility between the two. Additionally, we are committed to providing this service at no cost to the Veterans, creating a safe environment where veterans and service dogs can learn and grow, and providing a customized program plan that encourages healing for and positive improvements to the quality of life for Veterans in the program.

