

SAN DIEGO, California

The SDMAC Foundation is a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) corporation organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Its principal objectives are to promote a general awareness and understanding of the importance of a strong national defense, especially as it relates to the San Diego region, to support San Diego’s active duty and retired military community through programs initiatives, educational outreach, and events. The SDMAC Foundation will also study key military issues affecting the quality of life and strength of our nation’s defense and he impact on San Diego’s military, civic, governmental and business community.

The SDMAC/SDSU Military Student of the Year
One of the first undertakings of the SDMAC Foundation is to raise funds to continue the Academic Scholarship that was awarded in SDMAC’s name at the SDMAC 10th Anniversary Celebration event, by the President of San Diego State University, Dr. Elliot Hirshman. In order to achieve this goal, SDMAC has entered into agreements with San Diego State University and California State University San Marcos to award on annual basis, academic scholarships to deserving recent military veterans, titled the “SDMACMilitary Student of the Year Scholarships.” These scholarships will provide the necessary funds for awardees to complete their degree at San Diego local universities without incurring significant debt.

