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Tides Center

Los Angeles, California

Tides Center is the fiscal sponsor to over 160 projects nationwide. By selecting the Tides Center, you are designating your donation as a contribution to Tides Center’s General Fund. If you wish for your contribution to benefit a specific project at Tides Center, please select the project from the projects tab or search for it by name in the search bar.

In 1976, Tides was founded by Drummond Pike, one of the original social entrepreneurs; and over the years the organization has evolved from a great idea to one of the top 100 social sector organizations in the United States. Tides Foundation was started out of a need to facilitate the giving of philanthropists who were concerned with building a better future for individuals and communities all over the world. In the late '70's, Tides Foundation founded a Projects Program that nurtured new ... Leggi tutto

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