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Crimson Club Excellence Fund


(Disclaimer: ALL contributions that are made through Benevity can ONLY be contributed towards a Charitable Cause. The University of Utah cannot accept payments for tickets, bills (Student Loans, Medical Debts, etc), or other University related services. This is a Non-Profit portal only.

Please use the respective websites and payment services directly through the University of Utah.

The UofU cannot refund any payments made in error and they will have to be redistributed per donor instruction.)

The Crimson Club is the driving force of the athletic department, providing scholarships and the financial resources necessary to allow Utah student-athletes to excel not only athletically, but academically as well. Crimson Club members are loyal Ute fans who generously help talented students gain a great education from the University of Utah, while providing the financial support that allows Utah's varsity teams to participate at the highest level in athletic competition.

Donazione complementare
Come funzionano le donazioni
Fai clic su un pulsante “Dona ora” e poi decidi l’importo della donazione. Passerai quindi al sistema di elaborazione dei pagamenti di tua scelta. Dopo l’elaborazione, la tua donazione sarà inviata all’organizzazione benefica di tua scelta.

Serve aiuto?
Visualizza un elenco di domande frequenti o contatta l'assistenza.