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Melbourne, Florida

Our mission is in our name. With the Greek translation of "giving", we aspire to give back to the Veterans who served to protect our country but return home to nothing. It is estimated that there are over 2,000 Veterans in need just in Florida.

Dinontas uses donations to pay for shipping costs to deliver brand new clothing to less fortunate Veterans across the Florida. Since being founded in 2019 by Lieutenant Ron Cimo, we have reached over 7,500 Veterans and distributed over 59,000 items.

Progetti per questa causa

Come funzionano le donazioni
Fai clic su un pulsante “Dona ora” e poi decidi l’importo della donazione. Passerai quindi al sistema di elaborazione dei pagamenti di tua scelta. Dopo l’elaborazione, la tua donazione sarà inviata all’organizzazione benefica di tua scelta.

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