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The Joys of Living Assistance Dogs

Salem, Oregon

Providing skilled, devoted companions to support and assist veterans, first responders, and others with disabilities, creating cohesive teams focused on building a life of greater freedom and independence.

The Joys of Living Assistance Dogs (JLAD) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to raising and training assistance dogs and placing them in positions of service.
JLAD provides improved mobility and enhances social re-integration through the use of service dogs specifically trained to meet the unique needs of an individual's condition.
When an ideal match is made, the mobility and freedom the dogs' efforts afford, help provide a new and profound sense of independence to the owner, creating a pathway toward a safer and more empowering way of living. JLAD also trains dogs to assist persons living with PTSD, TBIs and other conditions not necessarily requiring physical assistance.

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