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Asheville, North Carolina

The mission of Aura Home Women Vets is to prevent homelessness for women Veterans by providing temporary housing, facilitating stabilization, and assisting women in obtaining Veteran’s Affairs benefits. Our vision is that Aura Home empowers women Veterans to be vibrant and self-sufficient to thrive in their community. Our objectives are to: • Prevent homelessness by providing assistance to women before loss of their current residence. • Provide assistance to women Veterans in navigating and applying for benefits from Veteran Affairs including follow-up and the appeals process if necessary. • Provide women Veterans with life-skills training which includes finance management and house maintenance. • Create the Felicia Reeves Home to provide temporary living quarters for up to 12 women Veterans/dependents/pets at one time in a controlled, safe environment. • Collaborate with local housing organizations in interlude of renovations of the Felicia Reeves Home.

Aura Home Women Vets help economically disadvantaged women Veterans become more self-reliant. Our vision is that Aura Home empowers women Veterans to be vibrant and self-sufficient to thrive in their community. Depending on where the woman is when coming to AHWV, we know her life has been improved when:

• She accesses the VA benefits rightfully due her.
• She’s comfortable to accesses VA medical care with AHWV Chaperone Services.
• She regains stabilization, ... Leggi tutto

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