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Shelter to Soldier Dog Food Pantry


STS currently has 26 dogs in training, each requiring high quality kibble, supplements and treats to enhance their training program. STS maintains the highest of training standards for each one of the dogs selected for the program. It is critical to care for each of the trainees and their preventative health, fueling their bodies to successfully navigate their new life as a companion to a veteran in need. The work of a service animal is demanding on the body and requires a high-quality diet, supplements, and treats.

The food pantry is located onsite at our Oceanside facility. Food storage is monitored by the STS staff made up of highly trained animal care professionals, animal care attendants and dog trainers.

STS respectfully requests funding of $41,000 (annual cost), or any contribution in support of STS’s Food Pantry Essentials providing vital nutrition for 25 to 27 dogs during their training program of 12-18 months each.

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