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Palatka, Florida

The Round Canopy Parachuting Team-USA safely performs World War Two style parachuting activities as commemorative airborne operations to honor Allied Paratroopers and all Veterans who fought to defeat despotism in Europe and around the world. This we humbly do to reinforce world-wide memory of their priceless deeds of valor, and the selfless sacrifices so many made in those brutal battles to restore peace on Earth.

RCPT-USA is a veteran community that both honors past and present veterans by providing them opportunities to help one another while performing commemorative military activities (specifically military style round canopy parachuting). RCPT-USA’s purpose is to highlight the accomplishments of allied paratroopers from WWII onwards by fostering camaraderie among individuals who share a passion for round canopy parachuting and inspiration from the actions and deeds of paratroopers past. This ... Leggi tutto

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