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Veterans Team Recovery Integrative Immersion Process honors and empowers veterans, service members, their families and caregivers living with chronic pain and Post-Traumatic Stress to create healthy, happy and productive lives.

Vet TRIIP Stage 1 offers Integrative Immersion Process (IIP) sessions including therapeutic massage therapy, acupuncture/acupressure and energy balancing in 2-hour sessions. Also included are aromatherapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping on acupressure points), and connections with veteran volunteers.
Vet TRIIP Stage 2 is an experiential program with self-care and nutrition education as well as self-directed techniques such as acupressure, qigong, tai chi, laughter, and meditation.
Vet TRIIP Stage 3 offers adaptive classes: yoga, art, photography, and meditation.

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