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New York, New York

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America endeavors to assist Ukrainian Americans preserve core aspects of community, with an emphasis on the following goals: Preserving and passing down our Ukrainian language & culture to the next generation; Publishing articles & organizing conferences to explain the true history of Ukraine; Listing local events and initiatives with our network of nearly 30 national organizations and dozens of local chapters; Inspiring our counterparts in the Ukrainian diaspora around the country and around the world with ideas generated at local churches and community halls; Teaching community leaders how to interact with local, state and federal officials for the benefit of their community; Coordinating local campaigns with like-minded activists near and far; Supporting Film, TV and Media projects that document our community's journey; Encouraging investment in community-run businesses and organizations. •Charting a course for preserving our community's infrastructure and institutions

Established in 1940, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America ( unites and advocates in the name of nearly 30 fraternal, educational, religious, cultural, veterans and humanitarian organizations in the Ukrainian American community. UCCA maintains local all-volunteer chapters across the United States, with a national office in New York City, as well as a Washington, D.C. bureau, the Ukrainian National Information Service. UCCA is also a founding member of the Ukrainian World Congress (, as well as a founding member of the Central and East European Coalition (, which coordinates the efforts of national ethnic organizations representing 20 million Americans.

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