For more than 30 years the Upper Valley Haven has provided temporary shelter and educational programming for homeless families and adults as well as food and clothing to anyone in need.
The Haven has fostered independence through our Shelter Advocacy, Aftercare, Outreach and Education Programs. The Haven is open 365 days per year and never charges for any of its services. We serve over 10,000 people per year.
Vision: We will create a community where people find hope and ... Leggi tutto
For more than 30 years the Upper Valley Haven has provided temporary shelter and educational programming for homeless families and adults as well as food and clothing to anyone in need.
The Haven has fostered independence through our Shelter Advocacy, Aftercare, Outreach and Education Programs. The Haven is open 365 days per year and never charges for any of its services. We serve over 10,000 people per year.
Vision: We will create a community where people find hope and discover possibility.
Mission: The Upper Valley Haven is a non-profit, private organization that serves people struggling with poverty by providing food, shelter, education, clothing and support.
The Upper Valley Haven:
• welcomes all who enter its doors as equals, respecting their dignity and accepting them without judgment
• encourages those it serves to develop their capacity for independence and self sufficiency
• seeks the support and participation of the community
• is thrifty with its resources, generous in its hospitality and accountable to the individuals and organizations that support it
The Haven strives to set the national standard of excellence for addressing homelessness and poverty.
In fiscal year 2014* the Haven provided:
•Shelter for 42 families (66 children) totaling 122 people; and for 114 adults (including 6 couples and 30 veterans).
•Food for 3,655 households with 10,354 members (3,149 of whom were children). There has been food supplied for one household for one week on 13,390 occasions.
•Case management (for community members, not including shelter guests) support for 5,504 individuals
•Clothing for 8,144 individuals
•Academic support and enrichment activities to 44 children (both current and former guests at our Family Shelter)
•Learning opportunities to more than 98 adults
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