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DICKSON CITY, Pennsylvania

MISSION STATEMENT Veterans Promise is committed to assisting and advocating for Veterans and their families, in obtaining needed services and support. We will accomplish this through needs assessment, outreach, advocacy and resource linkage. In addition, we are committed to raising awareness for and aiding in the prevention of Veteran Suicide. Our target audience is all who have worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. OUR PROMISE Our promise is to advocate, educate, and raise awareness for all veterans. We will offer outreach for PTSD, suicide prevention, drug and alcohol education, and support to veterans and their families in our community. We will leave no stone unturned, no matter how big or small, to accomplish our mission. Advocacy is the first step in conquering the battle here on the home front. We will do Whatever it takes to Keep the Promise.

Veterans Promise is made up of Veterans and civilian Patriots. Whom all are dedicated to improving the quality of life for our Veterans and reducing Veteran Suicide and Drug and Alcohol addiction. All of the members of Veterans Promise are unpaid volunteers.

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