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Mini Adventurers


Mini Adventurers takes our miniature pony, Velvet, to those who are unable to come to the ranch so that they too can benefit from horsemanship activities. From brushing to talking, Velvet has a special sense for those who need her most.

Trips into the community include hospitals, nursing homes, The Little Lighthouse and other early childhood centers, as well as general community visits. Where ever she goes, smiles follow.

Currently it takes two staff members to allow Velvet to visit in the community - an instructor and some one qualified to drive the truck. Staff members volunteer their time with Velvet. We would love to be able to schedule bi-weekly trips for her but financing is preventing this. Would you consider sponsoring one or more trips for Velvet? The goal amount listed would provide for one outing including gas, handouts for participants cookies, coloring items, stickers, etc.), and payment for the staff.

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