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SYSTER Project : Economic Empowerment : Financial Education : Financial Capability Program : Inland Empire of San Bernardino County, CA


SYSTER Project isthe empowerment program of the Moretta Community Development Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. We're proud to devote our energyadvocating for technology connectivity, diversity, equity and inclusion and the empowerment of low-income, under-served, underrepresented communities, young people and families in need.

OUR MISSION. Healthy, happy children and their families are at the heart of our mission. We are for the empowerment of young people all over the world and their ability to live safe, healthy, happy, creative, digitally connected and productive lives as they grow into the technology leaders, professionals, innovators and entrepreneurs of ourfuture.

OUR VISION. Our vision is for all children to haveaccess to learning tools, technology resources and school supplies to help them achieve their self-directed goalsanddreams ofeducational excellence. Our commitment is to help them gain access to the services, learning resources and technology tools they'll need to succeed.

SYSTER Projectmoves individuals from the pathway to poverty by connecting them to pathways of economic security and racial equality by addressing the resource gaps key to housing, career, financial health, access to capital, business and micro-entrepreneurship success. The financial education and activities project creates jobs, supports volunteer programs and career development programs by connecting experienced mentors and trainers to participants interested in pursuing careers in financial services, financial education, cybersecurity and technology related industries.

Sociologically and economically empowered individuals help create vibrant communities. The economic empowerment and financial health of a community impacts the health, wellness and well-being of all. The financial education project mission supports economic vitality throughthe building blocks of economic success starting with financial literacy and education, understanding credit processes, how to access and read a personal credit report and other credit education related topics including identity theft prevention, access to capital and understanding the role of credit in hiring, career and business entrepreneurship goals. The program includes workshop opportunities to learn about opening checking and savings accounts and understanding the basic resource tools of personal financial empowerment.

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