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SAN DIEGO, California

Biocom Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 2008 by Biocom, the largest and most experienced advocate for California’s life science sector. Our mission is to develop and promote a skilled and diverse pipeline of talent to accelerate the growth of the California’s life science ecosystem. We collaborate with the life science industry, government, non-profits, the K-12 and community college systems, institutions of higher education, and other stakeholders to meet and anticipate the workforce needs of the life science community, and to promote the advancement of life science talent throughout the world.

We develop and curate programs that foster career exploration, preparation, and advancement to connect the emerging workforce and current professionals with essential skills, knowledge, and opportunities to enter and thrive in life science careers.

We identify innovative solutions to address employers’ workforce needs, report on industry and workforce trends, and catalyze conversations around best practices to train and retain talent for current and emerging roles.

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