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Response to Love Center


Our mission…. …. to touch the lives of others and the community by providing a variety of compassionate programs that assist those in need and enable self-sufficiency. The Response to Love Center is dedicated to helping poverty-stricken individuals and families. We empower people to take responsibility for their lives and encourage self-sufficiency through dignity and compassion. We develop relationships with individuals and introduce them to people and programs that will assist with their individual problems and needs. People of all ages, races, genders, ethnicity, religion and cultural backgrounds are welcomed at the Center.

We serve on average more than 12,000 meals a year in our dining room, including Thanksgiving and Christmas Day dinners.
Since 1996, our pantry has helped more than 28,000 individuals in at least 11,400 households.
We provide personal care, client needs, and school supplies to over 500 community members on an average annual basis.
Our intake team meets individually with clients and either assist them directly or guides them to one of our 45 active partners who can assist ... Lire la suite

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