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The People Concern, OPCC and Lamp Community United

Los Angeles, California

The People Concern - Ocean Park Community Center (OPCC) and Lamp Community United - empowers people to rebuild their lives. Our goal is to end -- not simply manage -- human suffering. The People Concern is an independent, community-supported organization in which staff, volunteers and clients work with mutual respect to address the effects of poverty, abuse, neglect and discrimination. The agency's programs are designed to remove barriers to access the resources individuals need to ensure their survival, end their victimization and improve their quality of life.

The People Concern (formerly Ocean Park Community Center (OPCC) and Lamp Community) is one of the largest social services agency in Los Angeles. A non-profit organization providing highly effective, fully integrated services to the most traumatized, vulnerable and needy members of our community—homeless individuals, victims of domestic violence, at-risk youth, indigent Veterans, and people dealing with severe physical or mental illness or substance abuse. We are the only West L.A.-based ... Lire la suite

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