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Our mission is to erect a monument which commemorates and preserves the legacy of African American military service members in defense of our nation. We honor and respect the sacrifices African Americans have made to national defense. We strive to educate future generations by providing historical facts about the many African Americans who have selflessly defended America’s ideals of freedom, democracy, and the pursuit of happiness. It is our vision to create an everlasting monument memorializing the contributions of African Americans who served and are currently serving in all six branches of the military. We strive to restore meaning and understanding of the indispensable military service of African Americans, which has been omitted from U.S. mainstream narratives and has consequently fallen into obscurity.

The project was introduced to the community in 2016. New York State Assembly Majority Leader, Crystal Peoples-Stokes, committed to convening a committee to plan the construction of the African American Veterans Monument (AAVM). The construction and development of New York State’s and the country’s first Monument to honor all African American soldiers who fought in the Nation’s wars is currently taking place. African Americans have served in all 12 of the country’s major conflicts, ... Lire la suite

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