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Canoga Park, California

Mission Statement: We Advocate for unhoused, food & financially unsecured residents to have a seat at the table and a voice in the conversation about homelessness. The vision of AMFB is not prayer or proselytizing. Our primary work is to meet the basic needs of each person who we serve, with a generous compassion. "I was hungry, thirsty, naked, sick or imprisoned... you fed me, gave me a drink, clothed me and visited me"

We provide supplies and sustenance, hygiene products, laundry supplies, encampment clean up supplies, food, water, and more to assist people in gaining access to shelter, permanent housing and to get supplemental basic needs for the food and financially insecure .

We utilize our case management contacts to create prevention programs that help people to live independently. We build alliances with affordable housing providers and organizations that serve individuals and ... Lire la suite

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