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The Overwatch Partnership

Columbus, Ohio

The Overwatch Partnership provides mentoring and career development support to the veteran community, while supporting local veteran hiring advocacy efforts. We support the transition to civilian employment for veterans by providing a network of mentors and human resource professionals to enable an improved career transition, while enhancing veteran hiring efforts for organizations in the community and creating a social network of veterans and non-veterans alike.

The Overwatch Partnership provides mentoring and career development support to the veteran community, while supporting local veteran hiring advocacy efforts. We support the transition to civilian employment for veterans by providing a network of mentors and human resource professionals to enable an improved career transition, while enhancing veteran hiring efforts for organizations in the community and creating a social network of veterans and non-veterans alike.

The name of our organization provides significant meaning behind our mission. “Overwatch” is a military term that is defined as providing cover to a fellow service member, which is the essence of our cause.

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