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Partner-Up is a two-day equine-assisted retreat for active-duty law enforcement officers and 911 dispatchers. The program aims to provide participants with tools to overcome the daily stress and trauma associated with operating in a high-risk environment.

Through the experience of Monty Roberts’ ground-breaking Join-Up techniques, and other ground-based horsemanship activities, participants, and their accompanying supporters (a spouse/partner, 18+ child, parent or close friend), work through a series of trust-building exercises in partnership with the horses, and develop tools for overcoming trauma, improving relationships, better self-regulation and emotional intelligence, regained confidence, and a willingness to open up and ask for help.

“It helped me to slow down, breath and think. Think about not just what is going
on in my head, but my body as well.” – Participant, June 2022

“This program can help improve mental wellness in law enforcement, extend careers, and save lives.” – Peer Support Participant, June 2022

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