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Manassas, Virginia

Project Mend-A-House is a registered 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit who assists Seniors, Veterans, Low-Income and Persons with Disabilities in Prince William County, Manassas Park and the City of Manassas with minor home repairs, such as installing ramps, safety bars and home modifications for the physically disabled.

Project Mend-A-House serves individuals that live with disabilities, are elderly, or are veterans that are low-income, by repairing or modifying their homes to ensure that they are able to continue living safely and healthily in their own homes. The repairs and modifications can include but are not limited to: HVAC, Plumbing, Drywall, Wheelchair Ramps, Bathroom Modifications, and more. These modifications not only allow for a healthy and safe environment but provide the clients the ... Lire la suite

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