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Helping Children Succeed


A child with a strong educational foundation has a better chance of succeeding and positively contributing to their community later in life. Through quality child care, early childhood education, tutoring, mentoring, and more, United Way of Northeastern Minnesota helps our children reach their full potential and prepares them for bright, promising futures. By supporting UWNEMN's Helping Children Succeed focus area, you provide assistance to the following agencies: Arrowhead Center Adolescent Outpatient Treatment, Camp Chicagami, Ely Community Resource, Foster Grandparent Program, Hibbing Kinship Mentoring Program Mesabi YMCA, ServeMinnesota Reading Corps, Summer Work Outreach Project (SWOP), Volunteers In Education (VinE), Voyageurs Area Council Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts of MN & WI Lakes and Pines.

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