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LOS ANGELES, California

Since 1966, the Foundation has been the premier Hollywood resource for emerging writers and entertainment lovers. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Writers Guild Foundation’s mission is to preserve and promote the history and craft of writing for the screen. We’re proud of all we do for the community, including our Veterans Writing Project, our Volunteer and Mentorship Programs, our Archive, and the Shavelson-Webb Library – the world’s only library devoted entirely to writing for the screen.

Founded in 1966, the Writers Guild Foundation (WGF) is dedicated to promoting and preserving the craft of writing for the screen. Our mission is to engage, educate, and inspire emerging writers—especially those belonging to under-served populations—and to preserve the rich history of writing in Hollywood for future generations. This is done through WGF’s three primary functions: our Shavelson-Webb Library and Archive, our outreach programs (the Writers’ Access Support Staff Training ... Lire la suite

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