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Elmira, New York

The Economic Opportunity Program, Inc. envisions a future where all people of our community live with dignity and have the opportunity and ability to live economically productive and satisfying lives. To achieve this vision, EOP provides services that create positive change in individuals, families, and our community, and encourages and facilitates participation by all people who can help make our vision a reality.

The Economic Opportunity Program, Inc. (EOP) was established in 1965 as the legislatively designated Community Action Agency to define and design programs that best meet the needs of low-income people in Chemung and Schuyler counties in the Southern Tier of New York State. Annually, more than 5,000 children, youth, and families benefit in some way from the agency’s services.

Current programming at EOP includes:

The Anti-Displacement Program, which offers guidance and ... Lire la suite

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