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Kostopulos Dream Foundation (Camp K) is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people of with disabilities through education, recreation, and growth opportunities. Our services are available to people of all abilities, levels of income, and place of residence. Our year-round programs provide opportunities for our participants to access and enjoy their community, the arts, sports, education, and adaptive recreation in the great outdoors. We also encourage them to stretch their imaginations, learn practical life skills, maximize their potential for independence, and build healthy bodies, minds, and spirits. The benefits from our programs create a ripple-effect, impacting not only their lives, but the lives of their families, friends, and ultimately our entire community. Services provided include Summer Camps, Year-round Community Based programs, and Equestrian programs.

Since 1967, Kostopulos Dream Foundation (Camp K) has been dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through education, recreation, and growth opportunities. Our services are available to people of all abilities, levels of income, and place of residence. Our year-round programs provide opportunities for our participants to access and enjoy their community, the arts, sports, education, and adaptive recreation in the great outdoors. We also encourage them to ... Más información

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