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Becky Drees Memorial Foundation

Earlville, Iowa

In honor of, Becky Drees, our mission is to provide every baby born in the Dubuque and Delaware County Hospitals in Iowa with a tummy time mirror and provide educational materials to the new parents on the importance of tummy time in their child's development. We started our foundation in 2021, and provided the 3 hospitals in Dubuque and Delaware county with 100 mirrors each on December 17, 2021. Since December 2021, we have delivered 2,750 mirrors all total to now 4 hospitals. We have expanded our reach to newborns and parents outside those 2 counties in Iowa. We now provide tummy time mirrors for all babies born at Mercy Hospital and Finley/Unity Point hospitals in Dubuque, Iowa, Regional Medical Center in Manchester, Iowa, and Veterans Memorial Hospitals/Clinics in Waukon, Iowa. We have sent tummy time mirrors when requested to Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas and Arizona.

The foundation is in memory of Rebecca "Becky" Drees who was born August 13, 1987. She died at the age of 22 on June 30, 2010 as a result of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Becky was a very giving person who was full of life and always quick to offer help and support to anyone who needed it. In the years since her passing we have heard countless stories of how she helped others, and even in death, she gave life - Becky donated her organs so others may live. To commemorate ... Más información

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