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Armenia - ZINAPAH – National Foundation for Servicemen


War has had severe consequences for Armenia. Aiming to mitigate the catastrophic consequences, FASF has partnered with ZINAPAH (formerly the Insurance Foundation for Servicemen and 1000plus) to provide immediate support for two groups - disabled soldiers and the families of fallen soldiers in Armenia.

Our partner on this project, ZINAPAH, is a fiscally sound, transparent, and accountable organization doing the hard work in Armenia for the Diaspora.

FASF is tracking our donations and will provide periodic updates to donors from some of the families who have benefitted from these donations on our website. FASF conducted a site visit in Armenia in October 2022 and met soldiers and families who have received our assistance.

Thus far, FASF and our donors have awarded $150,000 in grants to ZINAPAH of our $1 million goal.

For more information about ZINAPAH, visit

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