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Project Inspire


Women in Robotics is a global community supporting women who work in robotics and women who are interested in working in robotics, as entrepreneurs, industry and academia.

Our activities include local networking events, outreach, education, mentoring and the promotion of positive role models in robotics, both in research, industry, entrepreneurship and just plain fun.

We started as a grassroots community to support women in robotics across the globe, who wanted to see more women thrive. In 2020 we formed a USA based 501c3 non-profit organization.

We are committed to championing the women within the robotics community. We are focusing on three projects in 2021 to help women both newly in the field and career veterans. These are Project Inspire, Project Connect, and Project Advance.

Project Inspire: Our annual 30 women in robotics you need to know about list, plus regular updates, spotlights, and wikipedia pages for women in robotics.

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