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Help Veterans Heal Through Recreational Therapy - Motor City Veterans Hockey Association


On behalf of the military veterans of the Motor City Veterans Hockey Association (MCVHA), I am asking for your support for our recreational therapy program within the Detroit metropolitan area that provides services to disabled U.S. military veterans who have incurred various physical and mental injuries during their military service. The program provides veterans with a way to stay healthy and the incentive to improve their physical fitness through the sport of hockey. Furthermore, it engages veterans and their support system mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially, helping to find hope and strength through common experiences. As a recreational therapy program, MCVHA allows veterans to significantly improve their overall quality of life and mental health.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, MCVHA operates entirely from volunteers, donations, sponsorships, and partnerships with local and national organizations. Your support would directly impact our veterans for the better, significantly allowing us to meet our program’s operating costs which include practice ice rental fees, equipment purchases to get veterans out on the ice, tournament registration fees, and travel-related expenses. Additionally, it will allow us to advance our goal of purchasing a program cargo trailer and sled hockey equipment. Throughout the year, we host several events which will provide additional exposure for your company, including an annual game against the Detroit Red Wings Alumni, a golf tournament, events with the USA Hockey National Training Development Program, collegiate hockey teams, and exhibition games with other charitable organizations, first responders, and military organizations.

Over the past year, our veterans have won three national championships within USA Hockey’s Warrior discipline which is dedicated to injured and disabled U.S. military veterans who have served our country and play the sport of ice hockey. Events that we have hosted such as the 2022 USA Hockey Warrior Classic have benefitted over 400 military veterans, and our involvement in the community with organizations such as the Detroit Red Wings, helps raise awareness of our program to our community’s military veterans.

We also are a member of USA Hockey’s Warrior discipline which is dedicated to injured and disabled U.S. military veterans who have served our country and play the sport of ice hockey. While some of the participants played hockey prior to being injured, many try it for the first time for therapeutic reasons.

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