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United Chinese Americans Inc.

Washington, District of Columbia

United Chinese Americans 美國華人聯合會 (UCA) is a nationwide nonprofit and nonpartisan federation and a community civic movement, inspired and dedicated to enriching and empowering Chinese American communities through civic engagement, political participation, heritage sharing, youth development and a greater understanding between US and China for the well-being of all Americans and this world.

UCA is sponsoring but not limited to the following major charity programs: 1) Chinese American Convention every other year as UCA’s flagship program empowering Chinese American communities; 2) UCA Leadership Retreat, Annual in-person meeting for board of directors and invited community leaders; 3) Civic Engagements thru Civic Leadership Forums; 4) Civil Rights Protection, including Defending Sherry Chen, Xiaoxing Xi and Xiyue Wang, Protection of Community Interests, Repudiating FBI ... Más información

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