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Leesburg, Virginia

Our mission: - To provide Loudoun County residents with access to high quality "professional level dance experiences." - To create performance opportunities for dedicated and talented pre-professional ballet dancers, who range in age from 8 and 19 years old. - To enrich our lives and the lives of others thru frequent delivery of the Fine Arts - thru dance education and performances! Our Goal is to develop, entertain, educate, and perform - and help enrich our community thru exposure to the Fine Arts!

The Loudoun Ballet Performing Arts Company is Loudoun County's largest and most active pre-professional ballet company. We exist to provide performance opportunity to our talented and dedicated ballet dancers. We want to entertain you by taking you on magical journeys. While only 8-19 years of age, our dancers will connect with your heart and imagination leaving you spellbound. Serious balletomanes have exclaimed, "This performance is not amateur! It rivals many major ... Más información

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