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REDMOND, Washington

Coconut Mutts is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to improving animal welfare in American Samoa. The animals and people living on this remote US territory only have access to one veterinarian and clinic. Typhoons. Rampant disease. Big challenges for some of the islands’ smallest inhabitants. They slink beneath the coconut trees, overlooked and desperate for care. Often, their eyes follow you as you pass – meeting your gaze fearfully. But more often, they pause and look at you with hope. With your help, we can supply relief for the animals struggling to survive in this remote corner of the United States.

With lush tropical rainforests and pristine coral reefs, American Samoa could be considered paradise. Beneath the palm trees and along the beaches, island cats and dogs roam. The islands are served by one veterinarian and clinic.

Coconut Mutts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that was inspired after members of our team spent time living and visiting American Samoa. They witnessed the plight of animals on the island and the limited amount of resources available to address animal rescue and ... Más información

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