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Heroes are Never Alone (HANA) was created to help United States military veterans after they return from serving our country. Veterans put their lives on the line to protect our country and keep us safe, yet when they return, some struggle to find a “new normal’. This organization will raise money to help veterans once they return by providing assistance to those that need help. Veterans should never be forgotten and this organization aims to ensure that no veteran ends up on the streets in need of food, clothing, shelter or simply a friend to talk to.

Heroes Are Never Alone (HANA) is the brainchild of a then 9 year old boy (Connor is now 18) who respects and values those who serve our country. His Great Grandfather served in WWII and fought in the Battle of the Bulge and his Uncle is currently a pilot in the Navy. He knows and understands the sacrifices they have gone through to serve our country and he realizes that they both had strong support systems to come home to. He wants to ensure all veterans have this same support system ... Más información

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