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New Haven, Connecticut

Our vision at the Tujenge Africa Foundation is an African continent where nation- and peace-building efforts, especially in post-conflict states, prioritize quality, affordable education—as well as training in leadership and entrepreneurship for all youth. Through its diverse portfolio of initiatives, Tujenge Africa Foundation creates educational hubs to incubate a national network of innovators, leaders, entrepreneurs, and peace agents. We seek to create empathetic institutions that truly understand the plight of the impoverished, as well as anyone who might experience discrimination or marginalization based on ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, religion or creed, and area of residence.

The Tujenge Africa Foundation is a U.S.-based non-profit organization with operations in Africa’s Great Lakes region. “Tujenge” is a Swahili verb, which means to build or construct. Our goal is to build African capacity through quality, innovative, and boundary-pushing education. The Foundation will help boost the potential of the poorest and most marginalized in the African Great Lakes region through development initiatives that focus on education, dialogue, and economic advancement. We ... Más información

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