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Arroyo Grande, California

Anglers Anonymous is a nonprofit fishing organization located on the Central Coast of California. We take veterans with disabilities on ocean fishing trips. Our goal is to thank those who have served and sacrificed for us by treating them with an all inclusive experience on the water.

We are a group of avid fishermen who want to share our passion for fishing with those that have served our country.
It is only by the generous contributions of local supporters that we are able to do this. Thank you to all of our donors.
We seek to promote and protect our local fisheries and support fellow fishermen. We encourage passing fishing skills and responsible practices on to the next generation. The only requirement for membership in our club is a passion for fishing.

Cómo funcionan las donaciones
Haga clic en cualquier botón de "Donar ahora" y, luego, decida su importe de donación. Será dirigido al procesador de pagos que elija. Una vez que su donación se haya procesado, se enviará a la entidad benéfica de su elección.

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