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MENLO PARK, California

The Aurora Singers is a non-profit community chorus of about sixty mixed voices. Our mission is to bring quality, uplifting entertainment to people who otherwise would not be able to enjoy live music. In fulfillment of this mission, Aurora brings each concert to different venues such as convalescent homes, veterans' hospitals, senior centers, and retirement facilities. We also present each program to the public as a benefit for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, which generously provides our rehearsal space. The Aurora Singers have been celebrating together in song since 1989.

The Aurora Singers is a non-profit community chorus of about sixty mixed voices. We are based in Palo Alto, but our choir members come from around the Bay Area and beyond. We prepare two concert programs each year. Our December program draws from winter and holiday music of all cultures, and our Spring concert is always devoted exclusively to American music of all genres - folk, spirituals, pop, classic, standards, show tunes - anything made in America!
Our mission is to bring ... Más información

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