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Mothers and INfants Together Program - Holidays Christmas Party


Make this Christmas Merry & Bright for our clients in this program. Host a fun filled season of events and gifts for the mom's and babies. The sponsorship includes: a fun-filled outing with dinner to the annual Parade of Lights in Grand Prairie Texas, gifts for the mom’s and babies, a Christmas party with all the delicious food and desserts. VOA Texas Hope for the Holiday Campaign want to thank you in advance for helping us to bring a wonderful Christmas time to our clients in the program.

Mothers & Infants Nurturing Together (MINT) program for pregnant women in incarceration. These mothers come to the program to give birth and have a time of bonding with their newborn while concurrently serving their sentences under the auspices of the Federal Bureau of Prisons at our Residential Re-entry Center in Fort Worth Texas.

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